Blockstrap Begins

with a little help from some shibes!


Happy New Year Blockstrappers! We spent the majority of December skipping merriness and opting instead to make more improvements to our platform. This included analyzing logs, generating queries, and building-out some basic reporting functionality for our API.

With this in place we now know how many people are using what functions and for which chain and can proudly inform you that we’ve had:

1.82 million API requests since our soft launch at TechCrunch Disrupt!

While we appreciate this is still a fair bit behind some of our more established competitors, it’s still a hugely validating first few weeks for us and justifies our continued effort to improving our products and services.

We were pleasantly surprised to see that the load is spread fairly evenly between the main chains and their corresponding test nets.

Here is a breakdown (excluding our internal calls) for the six blockchains:

Interestingly there were more requests for the altcoins in our first month than for Bitcoin - and almost as many for Dogecoin as there were for Litecoin and Bitcoin combined - highlighting that some of the exciting ideas in development at the moment aren’t exclusive to just the one coin.

We’ve also noticed that quite a few people are using our API so enthusiastically that they’ve hit their rate limits already. If you’re one of them and you have a project in the pipeline please reach out to us and let us know so we can increase your limit accordingly for the next few weeks.

Our next batch of API keys will be released on January 25th. To get yours simply sign up to the developer mailing list before we send out the keys.

We know this level of usage wouldn’t have been possible without some of the friendly media coverage (listed below) and especially the early adopters who helped us reach this milestone so quickly.

We’re already talking to a few of you directly but we’re always eager to learn more about those using our services. If you’re working on a crypto-currency project and want to see how we can help please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].

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