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Digital Millennium Copyright Act Policy (DMCA)-

It’s our policy to take action to plain notices of assumed copyright infringement. If you think that your intellectual property rights have been infringed ahead by one of our users. Just you need to send us a right notification and every notice should be complying with the notification requirements of the DMCA. You must give the following information:

- The owner of a copyrighted works.
- Identify the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed.
- Provide us the web address under which the link or any content has been published.
- Finally provide your contact info, which included your full name, address, telephone number.

> For more facts on the information necessary for legal notification, see 17 U.S.C. 512(c)(3).

Aware that under the DMCA, claimant who makes misrepresentations about copyright infringement may be liable for compensation incurred as an effect of the removal or overcrowding of the material, attorney’s fees and court expenses.

A correct notification must include the information above, or it possibly disregarded.
Send you notification via (contact us) and please allow up to 2/3 business days for an email response. Thank you for your understanding.

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