Blockstrap Defaults

There are certain components that will be included regardless of whether they are added to the configuration file or not.

This is currently controlled by $.fn.blockstrap.defaults() and auto-includes the following dependencies:

As well as the following modules:

The only way to prevent this is to set install to false in configuration, at which point, a failure to manually include the required modules listed above will almost certainly result in all kinds of nasty errors.

In addition to the $.fn.blockstrap.defaults() function called prior to the dependencies and modules being included there is another function within core ($.fn.blockstrap.core.defaults) that creates skeleton functionality for the following functions if their corresponding modules are not included within the initial configuration:

These are common modules used throughout other modules, and the skeleton functions auto-included do nothing more than prevent errors.

  1. Related Articles
  2. Return to Core
  3. Configuration Settings
  4. Defaults
  5. Core Functions
  6. Blockstrap Functions
  7. Plugin Construct
  8. Table of Contents